Xeriscaping: Creating Beautiful, Water-Efficient Landscapes — Boxhill & Co., LLC Skip to content
A patio adorned with a white canopy and xeriscaped cactus plants, showcasing an eco-friendly outdoor space.

Xeriscaping: Creating Beautiful, Water-Efficient Landscapes

In arid regions like deserts, creating and maintaining lush, green lawns can be a challenge due to the limited availability of water. This is where xeriscaping comes into play. Xeriscaping is a landscaping philosophy that focuses on designing beautiful, sustainable outdoor spaces using native, drought-resistant plants and efficient water usage techniques. By adhering to the seven principles of xeriscaping, homeowners can enjoy vibrant landscapes while conserving water and reducing maintenance efforts.

Drought-resistant cactus plant in front of a house.caping

The Seven Principles of Xeriscape Design:


Developing a comprehensive plan that considers cost, function, energy efficiency (by positioning plants for shade), and water conservation.


Enhancing soil health by incorporating organic materials, improving drainage, and potentially creating terraces to collect rainwater.


Minimizing the use of grass, as lawns demand substantial water and care. Turf should be used strategically and kept well-maintained.

A collection of potted plants on a sidewalk, showcasing various flora. Notable mention of irrigation methods employed for their growth and sustenance.


Installing a well-designed irrigation system that delivers the right amount of water at the appropriate times, potentially including rainwater collection.


Applying organic mulch to reduce evaporation, maintain cooler soil temperatures, prevent weed growth, and enhance overall soil health.


Choosing native plants and drought-resistant varieties that serve multiple purposes, such as attracting wildlife and providing visual appeal.

A person precisely trims xeriscaping plants using scissors, ensuring their proper maintenance and aesthetic appeal.


Ensuring proper care, avoiding over-pruning, and preventing excessive use of water through mindful watering and fertilizing practices.

Sun shines through desert grass xeriscape.

The Origins and Benefits of Xeriscaping:

Xeriscaping originated from the combination of the Greek words "xeros" (dry) and "scape" (view), reflecting its focus on creating appealing landscapes in water-scarce regions. In places like Tucson, Arizona, where water availability is limited, xeriscaping has become the predominant landscaping approach. As the demand for water increased, Tucson faced water distribution challenges, leading to the adoption of water-saving strategies like xeriscaping.

Over time, the cost of water increased to encourage more efficient usage, resulting in a significant reduction in water consumption. Xeriscaping proved to be a cost-effective and visually appealing alternative, with homeowners replacing water-intensive lawns with native desert plants, decomposed granite, and drought-tolerant trees. The shift toward xeriscaping was not just about reducing water consumption but also about embracing a landscape that is well-suited to the local environment.

Mid-century modern front entrance xeriscape installation.

Xeriscaping vs. Zero-Scape:

It's essential to distinguish xeriscaping from the term "zero-scape." Unlike zero-scape, which implies the complete absence of water use, xeriscaping still involves the use of water, but it employs water-efficient strategies and native plants to minimize water consumption. Xeriscaping aims to strike a balance between creating visually appealing landscapes and conserving water resources.

Water Conservation through Xeriscaping:

Xeriscaping is particularly effective in conserving water, especially considering that over 50% of residential water usage in most North American regions goes towards landscaping and lawns. By following the principles of xeriscaping, homeowners can reduce landscape water consumption by 50% to 75%. This reduction is achieved by carefully selecting appropriate plants, using efficient irrigation systems, and incorporating water-saving mulch and soil practices.

Top Plants for Xeriscaping:

Choosing the right plants is crucial in xeriscaping to ensure a thriving and visually stunning landscape. Here are some top plants that thrive in arid climates and are well-suited for xeriscaping:

  • DESERT WILLOW (CHILOPSIS LINEARIS) This native tree features beautiful trumpet-shaped flowers and attracts pollinators like bees and hummingbirds.
  • TEXAS EBONY (EBENOPSIS EBANO) A small tree with dense foliage, it adds shade and visual interest to your landscape.
  • RED YUCCA (HESPERALOW PARVIFLORA Known for its spiky leaves and vibrant red or coral flowers, it's a favorite among xeriscapers.
  • AGAVES (VARIOUS SPECIES) These striking succulents come in various sizes and forms, adding architectural appeal to your landscape.
  • DESERT MARIGOLD (BAILEYA MULTIRADIATA) With bright yellow flowers, this perennial brings a splash of color to your xeriscape.
  • PRICKLY PEAR CACTUS (OPUNTIA SPP) A classic desert plant, prickly pears come in various shapes and sizes and can be an eye-catching focal point.
  • BLUE GRAMA GRASS (BOUTELOUA GRACILIS) A native grass that requires minimal water and adds texture to your landscape.
  • BRITTLEBUSH (ENCELIA FARINOSA) This shrub produces vibrant yellow flowers and is well-adapted to desert conditions.
Rows of cactus xeriscape.

Xeriscaping offers a practical and eco-friendly approach to landscaping in arid regions. By embracing the seven principles of xeriscaping and selecting the right plants, homeowners can create stunning outdoor spaces that require less water, reduced maintenance, and improved sustainability. With the increasing emphasis on water conservation and environmental responsibility, xeriscaping stands as a model for landscaping that balances beauty and resource efficiency.

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